find the distance between Riverside and Ilton if they are 12 cm apaer on a map with a scale of 4cm : 21km

To find the actual distance between Riverside and Ilton, we first need to determine the scale factor between the map and real life.

The scale on the map is 4cm : 21km. This means that for every 4cm on the map, there are 21km in real life.

Now, we can use this scale factor to find the actual distance between Riverside and Ilton.

If the two locations are 12cm apart on the map, we can set up a proportion:

4cm on the map = 21km in real life
12cm on the map = x km in real life

4/21 = 12/x

Cross multiplying, we get:

4x = 12 * 21
4x = 252
x = 252 / 4
x = 63

Therefore, the actual distance between Riverside and Ilton is 63km.