Teacher's view on helping students mental health

Show the negatives and the positives with reliable articles and sources


1. Improving academic performance: Studies have shown that when students' mental health needs are addressed, their academic performance also improves. This is because mental health issues can impact a student's ability to focus, retain information, and participate in class effectively.

Source: "Mental health interventions in schools lead to sustained academic gains," Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2015.

2. Creating a supportive environment: When teachers actively work to support students' mental health, it creates a more positive and inclusive classroom environment. Students feel more comfortable seeking help and discussing their struggles openly, leading to increased feelings of safety and belonging.

Source: "Teacher Support for Mental Health: A Posttraumatic Growth Perspective," Journal of Educational Psychology, 2016.


1. Limited resources and training: Many teachers feel ill-equipped to address students' mental health needs due to a lack of training and resources. This can lead to ineffective interventions or even exacerbate the problem if not handled properly.

Source: "Teacher Education and the Promotion of Mental Health in Schools," International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2018.

2. Boundary issues: Teachers may feel overwhelmed or unprepared to handle the emotional needs of students, leading to boundary issues or emotional burnout. It can be challenging for teachers to balance their roles as educators and counselors.

Source: "The Challenges of Implementing a School-Based Mental Health Program," School Psychology Review, 2017.

Overall, while addressing students' mental health needs can have positive outcomes, it is essential for teachers to receive proper training and support to effectively help their students. Collaboration with mental health professionals and creating a supportive school environment are crucial in promoting overall well-being in students.