Write about a teacher's view on the impact of mental health college students.

Give university sources on this topic and reference the source into the writing.

As a teacher, I have seen firsthand the impact that mental health can have on college students. The pressures of academic achievement, social interactions, and transitioning to adulthood can often exacerbate existing mental health issues or even create new ones. According to a study conducted by the American College Health Association, 39.1% of college students reported feeling so depressed that it was difficult to function in the past year, and 61% of students reported overwhelming anxiety.

These statistics are concerning, as they highlight the prevalence of mental health issues among college students. As a teacher, it is important for me to be aware of these statistics and the potential impact they may have on my students. It is essential to create a supportive and understanding classroom environment where students feel comfortable discussing their mental health struggles and seeking help when needed.

Furthermore, a study published in the Journal of American College Health found that college students who experience chronic stress and mental health issues are at a higher risk for dropping out of school. This highlights the importance of addressing mental health concerns promptly and effectively to ensure that students are able to succeed academically.

In my experience, open communication and a willingness to accommodate students' mental health needs can make a significant difference in their academic performance and overall well-being. By acknowledging and addressing the impact of mental health on college students, we can create a more supportive and inclusive learning environment for all.

- American College Health Association. (2018). American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment II: Undergraduate Student Reference Group Executive Summary Fall 2018. Retrieved from https://www.acha.org/documents/ncha/NCHA-II_FALL_2018_US_REFERENCE_GROUP_EXECUTIVE_SUMMARY.pdf
- Eisenberg, D., Golberstein, E. and Hunt, J. (2009). Mental Health and Academic Success in College. Journal of American College Health, 57(5), 535-541.