13.Use the sentence to answer the question.

"Dance is a great form of exercise for everyone."

In three to five sentences, write an opposing claim and suggest some ideas you might use to counter that opposing claim.


While dance is a great form of exercise for some people, not everyone may find it enjoyable or beneficial. Some individuals may prefer a different type of exercise that is more suited to their interests and needs. To counter this opposing claim, it could be argued that dance offers a wide variety of styles and levels, allowing individuals to find a form of dance that they enjoy and that fits their fitness goals. Additionally, dance can improve flexibility, strength, and coordination, making it a well-rounded form of exercise that can benefit everyone, regardless of their fitness level. Overall, while dance may not be for everyone, it can offer many benefits to those who are willing to give it a try.

12. Use the claim to answer the question.

"Claim: School uniforms help create equality in schools."

In 3-5 sentences, explain two reasons to support this claim. Be sure to organize your reasons in a logical order.

(do it in a 7th garde writer)

One reason school uniforms help create equality in schools is because they eliminate social status symbols based on clothing. When everyone wears the same uniform, no one feels pressured to wear expensive or trendy clothes to fit in. This means that all students are on an equal playing field, regardless of their socioeconomic background. Additionally, school uniforms promote a sense of unity and belonging among students. When everyone is dressed alike, it helps foster a sense of community and reduces feelings of division based on appearance. This creates a more inclusive and supportive school environment for everyone.

14. Andrea is writing an essay about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One of her sources is a post by a popular blogger who suggests her readers only eat once a day. Write one to two sentences explaining whether this is a credible source and why.(2 points)

No, the popular blogger's suggestion of only eating once a day may not be a credible source for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Health professionals usually recommend having multiple small meals throughout the day to maintain energy levels and promote overall health. It's important to consider information from credible sources, such as nutritionists or doctors, when making decisions about diet and lifestyle.

11. Use the essay to answer the question.

"If you are never given a bike, then how can you learn to ride one? The same goes for money. If children are never given money of their own, then how will they learn to manage it? Children should be paid for their chores because they will learn valuable lessons about earning and saving money.

Children who are paid for doing their chores or given an allowance will learn important lessons about money. Young children can learn how to count money; and, as they get older, they can learn how to save for a toy or even create a monthly budget. Some parents even ask their children to donate a portion of their allowance to a favorite charity. Once children have money of their own, they can learn to make their own financial choices.

Paying children for chores also teaches them the connection between hard work and earning money. When children grow up, they will have to work to make money to live. It is important to tie work and money together in a meaningful way, so children can be prepared for the real world."

Write three to five sentences to create a concluding paragraph for the essay.

In conclusion, paying children for their chores not only teaches them valuable lessons about earning and managing money but also instills a sense of responsibility and work ethic. By receiving an allowance, children have the opportunity to learn important financial skills and make their own decisions about how to spend or save their money. These lessons can help them develop good money habits that will benefit them throughout their lives. Ultimately, introducing children to the concept of earning money through chores can be a beneficial way to prepare them for the responsibilities and realities of adulthood.