Use the sentence to answer the question.

"Dance is a great form of exercise for everyone."

In three to five sentences, write an opposing claim and suggest some ideas you might use to counter that opposing claim. 5 points

Opposing claim: Dance is not an effective form of exercise for everyone.

Counter claim ideas:
1. Some individuals may argue that dance is not suitable for everyone as it requires a certain level of physical coordination and skill. However, it is important to note that there are various styles and levels of dance available, catering to people of all ages and abilities. For example, beginners can start with simple movements and gradually progress to more complex routines as they gain confidence and improve their physical abilities.

2. Another opposing point might be that dance does not provide an intense workout compared to other forms of exercise. To counter this claim, it can be argued that dance is a highly versatile activity that engages a wide range of muscles, including those in the legs, arms, core, and back. Different dance styles can offer varying levels of intensity and cardiovascular benefits. For instance, fast-paced dances like salsa or hip hop can elevate heart rate and enhance endurance, while slower styles like ballet or ballroom focus more on flexibility and muscular strength.

3. Some individuals may also argue that dance is not a suitable exercise option for older adults. Nevertheless, research has shown that dance can be extremely beneficial for seniors in terms of improving balance, coordination, and maintaining cognitive function. Gentle dance styles like tai chi or gentle ballroom can be modified to accommodate the needs and limitations of older adults, providing an enjoyable and effective way to stay active and maintain overall well-being.

4. Additionally, a common objection might be that dance is not a practical form of exercise for individuals with physical disabilities. However, adaptive dance programs have been developed specifically for people with disabilities, allowing them to experience the physical and emotional benefits of dance. With modifications, such as the use of assistive devices or customized movements, dance can be inclusive and accessible for individuals with various disabilities.

By presenting counterarguments that address concerns regarding physical ability, intensity, age, and disabilities, it becomes evident that dance can indeed be an effective form of exercise for everyone, promoting physical fitness, mental well-being, and overall enjoyment.

give three sentences why dancing is not a good form of exercise and proper 7th grader writing

While dance may be enjoyable for some, it is not a suitable exercise option for everyone. Firstly, dance requires a significant level of coordination and skill, making it challenging for those who struggle with motor skills. Additionally, dance does not provide the same cardiovascular benefits as traditional forms of exercise like running or swimming, as it often lacks the intensity needed for an effective workout. Moreover, dance classes can be expensive and may not be easily accessible to everyone, limiting its availability as a form of exercise.


While dance can be fun, it may not be the best exercise for everyone. It requires coordination and skill, which might be challenging for some. Dance may not provide the same cardiovascular benefits as other forms of exercise, and it can be expensive or inaccessible for some individuals.