Immersive Reader

On a camping trip, Marta roasts a marshmallow in the campfire. The marshmallow grows, and then turns black. Marta notices that the roasted marshmallow smells and tastes differently than the uncooked marshmallows. What change has taken place, and how does Marta know?
a chemical change because the marshmallow changed in taste, color and smell

no change because the marshmallow is not a new substance

only a physical change because the marshmallow changed size

a chemical change because the marshmallow only changed in pH level


a chemical change because the marshmallow changed in taste, color and smell

Marta knows that a chemical change has taken place because the marshmallow changed in taste, color, and smell after being roasted in the campfire. This indicates that a chemical reaction occurred, altering the properties of the marshmallow.