Jake throws a dart that hits the square shown below. What is the probability that the dart hits a point in the circle?

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The probability that the dart hits a point in the circle can be calculated by dividing the area of the circle by the total area of the square.

The area of the circle is πr^2, where r is the radius. The radius of the circle can be found by taking half the length of the side of the square.

Given that the side length of the square is 2 units, the radius of the circle is 1 unit.

Therefore, the area of the circle is π(1)^2 = π square units.

The total area of the square is (2)^2 = 4 square units.

The probability that the dart hits a point in the circle is given by:

Area of the circle / Total area of the square = π/4 ≈ 0.785 ≈ 78.5%.

Therefore, the probability that the dart hits a point in the circle is 78.5%.