o Choose two age groups from different periods in the physical development process. Give some thought to the age groups you choose, as you will focus on them in later weeks and for the final project.

o Compare what you would expect to see in the classroom from each age group in terms of expected reading and writing development. How might this influence which reading and writing activities you would assign? What could you do to strengthen a student’s reading or writing skills in each developmental stage?

what am I suppose to right about? any sites to look at. i know i have to pick 2 age groups but after that I am lost. please help thank you

1. Compare what you would expect to see in the classroom from each age group in terms of expected reading and writing development.

2. How might this influence which reading and writing activities you would assign?

3. What could you do to strengthen a student’s reading or writing skills in each developmental stage?

just heping get started on the assignmenet reading and writing development for course AED-202 I suppose to make chart but I know idea to begin and the APA format with it I pick age five-nine and 10 and twelve to compare the differenece betweent the age group.

To complete this assignment, you need to choose two age groups from different periods in the physical development process, and then compare their expected reading and writing development in the classroom. You will also need to consider how this comparison might influence the reading and writing activities you would assign, as well as strategies to strengthen a student's reading and writing skills in each developmental stage.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you approach this assignment:

1. Choose two age groups: When selecting the age groups, consider different stages of physical development. For example, you could choose early childhood (ages 3-5) and adolescence (ages 13-18). These age groups will allow for noticeable differences in reading and writing development.

2. Research reading and writing development: Begin by understanding the typical reading and writing milestones for each age group you selected. Look for reputable sources such as educational websites, academic journals, or textbooks. Some websites you can consider for this research are:

- International Reading Association (IRA) website: https://www.literacyworldwide.org/
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) website: https://www.naeyc.org/
- International Literacy Association (ILA) website: https://www.literacyworldwide.org/
- Department of Education websites specific to your country or state: For example, in the United States, the U.S. Department of Education website provides resources on literacy.

3. Compare classroom expectations: Based on your research, compare what you would expect to see in the classroom from each age group in terms of reading and writing development. Consider factors like vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and writing skills. For example, you may find that early childhood focuses more on phonemic awareness and the development of basic writing skills, while adolescence emphasizes comprehension and analysis of complex texts.

4. Influence on activities: Reflect on how these differences in reading and writing development might influence the activities you would assign to students in each age group. For example, in early childhood, activities might include alphabet recognition, letter sounds, and simple storytelling. In adolescence, activities might involve literary analysis, essay writing, and research projects.

5. Strengthening skills: Brainstorm strategies to strengthen students' reading and writing skills in each developmental stage. For early childhood, this could involve encouraging reading aloud, providing opportunities for creative writing, and utilizing hands-on literacy activities. For adolescence, strategies might include promoting critical thinking through class discussions, assigning challenging texts, and providing feedback on writing assignments.

Remember to cite your sources properly when referencing any information you find during your research.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you should be able to write an informative and comprehensive response to this assignment. Good luck!