How did the development of agriculture change the lives of early South American peoples?

A: More groups moved near the coasts

B: Groups started to settle in one place

C: Many groups developed a social hierarchy

D: Cultures became more spread out

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B: Groups started to settle in one place.

Why did military leaders overthrow the governments of Chile and Argentina in the 1970s

A: They feared their governments were moving toward communism.

B: they disappeared of their governments using oil revenue to fund social programs.

C: Military leaders thought the governments was not doing enough to combat inequality
D: They disliked the government in place.

A: They feared their governments were moving toward communism.

What are the similarities between Portugal and Spain’s motivations for exploration of the “New World”?

A both countries were interested in expanding their empires.

B, neither country sought to introduce Christianity to the natives

C Portuguese explorers unlike Spaniards want it more wealth

D neither country was interested in finding new trade routes

A: both countries were interested in expanding their empires.

Why is Brazil’s government unique to the region?

A it is ruled by a military dictator

B, it is modeled after Portugal’s government

C, it is most like the government of the United States

Day, it is a communist is government

B, it is modeled after Portugal’s government.

Adult literacy rates

Brazil- 86.9%

El Salvador - 78.7%

Nicaragua - 66.5%

Uruguay - 97.6%

Ecuador - 91.6%

Based on these figures which nation would be most likely to have the lowest standard of living

A Ecuador

B Nicaragua

C Uruguay

D Brazil

E El Salvador

B Nicaragua