Why does Ismene refuse to help bury Polyneices? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer

Ismene refuses to help bury Polyneices because she is afraid of the consequences of defying Creon's decree. In the play Antigone by Sophocles, Ismene says to Antigone, "We are only women, we cannot fight with men" (Antigone, 74). This indicates that Ismene believes that they are powerless against Creon and his decree, and that attempting to bury Polyneices would only result in their own deaths. Ismene also says, "Remember we are women, we’re not born to contend with men" (Antigone, 99-100), further emphasizing her belief that they are not capable of standing up to Creon. Ultimately, Ismene's refusal to help bury Polyneices is driven by fear of the consequences of going against Creon's authority.