Uriel collects aluminum cans, crushes them with a hand can-crushing machine, and turns the crushed cans in once a month for extra money. Uriel can crush 3 cans in 2/3 of a minute. What is the rate, in cans per minute, at which Uriel crushes aluminum cans? Responses

Uriel crushes cans at a rate of 4.5 cans per minute.

3 cans / (2/3 minute) = 3 cans / (2/3 minute) * 3/3 = 4.5 cans per minute

explain how


To calculate the rate at which Uriel crushes cans in cans per minute, we first need to determine how many cans he crushes in one minute.

We know that Uriel crushes 3 cans in 2/3 of a minute. To find out how many cans he crushes in 1 minute, we can set up a proportion:

3 cans / (2/3) minute = x cans / 1 minute

To solve for x, we first flip the fraction on the right side (1 minute) to get the reciprocal:

3 cans / (2/3) minute = x cans / 1 minute
3 cans / (2/3) minute = x cans * (3/1) minute
3 cans / (2/3) minute = 3x cans per minute

Multiplying both sides by 3 gives:

3 cans = 3x
x = 1

Therefore, Uriel crushes 3 cans in 1 minute, which gives us a rate of 4.5 cans per minute (since 3 cans in 2/3 of a minute is equivalent to 4.5 cans per minute).

answer choices

A. 2/9
B. 4 1/4
C. 4 1/2
D. 2

The correct answer choice is:

B. 4 1/4

Since Uriel crushes cans at a rate of 4.5 cans per minute.