If there was a scarcity of food, animals would fight over food. They would probably even start eating outside of they're diet. They would learn to fight each other all the time, this is because they would soon learn those who won't eat will die, and i'm sure none of them want to die.

Additionally, animals may also resort to scavenging for food in human settlements or even preying on weaker members of their own species. This increased competition for food could lead to changes in their social structure and behavior, as they adapt to survive in the face of scarcity. Some animals may also migrate to areas with more abundant food sources, which could lead to conflicts with other animals in those areas.

Overall, a scarcity of food would have significant impacts on the behavior and survival strategies of animals, as they would be forced to compete for resources in order to survive. It is a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining a sustainable balance in natural ecosystems to ensure the survival of all species.