What is the main difference between food chains and food webs?(1 point)


Food webs do not show connections between animals like food chains.

Food chains focus on energy transfers, but food webs do not.

Food webs are more complex than simple food chains.

Food chains focus on the internal energy cycles of animals, unlike food webs.

Food webs show the interconnectedness of different species, while food chains only show the linear transfer of energy.

What do food webs show about ecosystem

Food webs show the complexity and interconnectedness of the various species within an ecosystem. They demonstrate how different organisms are dependent on each other for food and survival, and how changes in one part of the web can have ripple effects throughout the entire ecosystem. Studying food webs can also provide insight into the overall health and stability of an ecosystem, and help identify potential threats or imbalances that may require intervention.


Food webs show the interdependence and complexity of species in an ecosystem, revealing how changes to one part affect the entire system. They provide insight into the ecosystem's health and can identify potential threats or imbalances.

How is preparation essential to maintaining an ecosystem

Preparation is not typically a term used in the context of ecosystem management, but management and conservation efforts are essential to maintaining healthy and functioning ecosystems. By monitoring and regulating human activities that may negatively impact the environment, such as pollution, deforestation, or overfishing, ecosystems can be protected and preserved. Additionally, restoration efforts such as reforestation or habitat restoration can help restore ecosystems that have been damaged. Overall, proactive management and conservation efforts are crucial to maintaining healthy and sustainable ecosystems that provide numerous benefits to both humans and the natural world.

Shorter version

Conservation and management efforts are crucial to maintain healthy and sustainable ecosystems by regulating human activities and restoring damaged areas.

If two different organisms compete for the same food like the owl and the hawk how can they both thrive in the same ecosystem