stalker guide

Stalking is a serious and illegal behavior that can cause harm to its victims. If you are experiencing stalking, it is important to take action to protect yourself and seek help from law enforcement.

Here are some tips for dealing with a stalker:

1. Keep records of any harassing communication or contact from the stalker, including texts, emails, social media messages, phone calls, letters, and gifts. This can be useful evidence if you decide to involve law enforcement.

2. Trust your instincts and take any threats or signs of violence seriously. If you feel unsafe, don't hesitate to seek help from law enforcement or a trusted friend or family member.

3. Change your routines and take precautions to protect your safety, such as varying your routes to work or school, changing your phone number, and installing security measures in your home.

4. Consider obtaining a restraining order against the stalker to legally prohibit them from contacting or coming near you.

5. Seek support from a therapist or counselor to help cope with the emotional impact of being stalked and to develop strategies for managing fear and anxiety.

Remember, stalking is a serious crime and you have the right to protect yourself. If you are being stalked, don't hesitate to reach out for help and take steps to ensure your safety.