Mr sethole claims that a non-indigent household who used 20kl of water under 2020/21 tariffs,will pay 20%more compared to an indigent household at the same calculations verify if he is correct or not

To verify Mr. Sethole's claim, we need to calculate the water bill for both a non-indigent household and an indigent household using the 2020/21 tariffs.

Let's assume the cost of 1kl of water is R10 for non-indigent households and R5 for indigent households.

For a non-indigent household that used 20kl of water:
20kl * R10/kl = R200

For an indigent household that used 20kl of water:
20kl * R5/kl = R100

Now, let's calculate the difference in cost between the two households:

Non-indigent household cost: R200
Indigent household cost: R100

Percentage increase for non-indigent household compared to indigent household:
((R200 - R100) / R100) * 100 = 100%

Therefore, Mr. Sethole's claim is incorrect. A non-indigent household would pay 100% more compared to an indigent household, not 20% as he claimed.