Choose a professional basketball player and find the number of minutes played and points scored in 12 games. 

Create a scatterplot with minutes (rounded to the nearest whole) on the horizontal axis and points scored on the vertical axis.

Based on the data graph draw conclusions about the outliers, clustering, and strong/weak, linear/nonlinear, and positive/negative associations. 

Draw a line of best fit for the data.  

Reveal Answer
Level 2
A scatterplot is shown in the coordinate plane. Based on the data graph, draw conclusions about the outliers, clustering, and strong/weak, linear/nonlinear, and positive/negative associations.

Draw a line of best fit for the data. 

Reveal Answer
Level 3
Review the contents of the lessons in the unit. Then go back to the Check-In and Practice exercises and try them again. 

To accurately create a scatterplot with the information provided, we need specific data on the number of minutes played and points scored in 12 games for a professional basketball player. Once that information is provided, we can proceed with creating the scatterplot, identifying outliers, clustering, and determining the strength, linearity, and direction of the association between minutes played and points scored. Finally, we can draw a line of best fit to show the trend in the data.