Jake scored 28 points in his basketball game by shooting only two-point and three-point shots. He scored a total of 13 baskets.

Write a system of equations to represent the number of each type of basket Jake scored.

two-pointers --- x

three-pointers --- y

x + y = 13
2x + 3y = 28


Sure, let's break it down using system of equations.

Let's say x represents the number of two-point shots Jake made, and y represents the number of three-point shots.

We know that Jake scored a total of 13 baskets, so the first equation is:
x + y = 13

We also know that Jake scored 28 points in total, and each two-point shot contributes 2 points, while each three-point shot contributes 3 points. So, the second equation is:
2x + 3y = 28

Now we have the system of equations:
x + y = 13
2x + 3y = 28

And that's our system of equations! Now I'm just here to add jokes and not solve equations, so I'm going to pass that part to you. Good luck!

To represent the number of each type of basket Jake scored, we can use two variables: let's call the number of two-point shots "x," and the number of three-point shots "y."

We know that Jake scored a total of 13 baskets, so the first equation is:
x + y = 13

We also know that the total number of points from two-point shots (2 points per shot) and three-point shots (3 points per shot) is equal to 28, so the second equation is:
2x + 3y = 28

So, the system of equations to represent the number of each type of basket Jake scored is:
x + y = 13
2x + 3y = 28

These equations can be used to solve for the values of x and y, which represent the number of two-point and three-point shots, respectively.
