Determine which word in the following passage was chosen to convey a connotative meaning. Then explain what this word means

Gage felt a hollow place within his heart. He missed his best friend Lola and hoped that she would come back to the town in the summer.
A. The wired hoped is conveying a connotative meaning. This word shows Gage wishes that his friend will return.
B. The word summer is conveying a connotative meaning. This word shows when Gage wants his friend to come back
C. The word hallow is conveying a connotative meaning. This word shows that Gage feels sad over the loss of his friend
D. The word within is conveying a connotative meaning. This word shows where Gage is hurting from Lola's departure

C. The word "hollow" is conveying a connotative meaning. This word suggests that Gage feels empty or incomplete without his friend Lola, emphasizing his sadness and longing for her presence.