Determine which word in the following passage was chosen to convey a connotative meaning. Then, explain what this word means.

Gage felt a hollow place within his heart. He missed his best friend, Lola, and hoped that she would come back to the town in the summer.

Which word in the following passage was chosen to convey a connotative meaning? Then, explain what this word means.

Answer: The word "hollow" was chosen to convey a connotative meaning.

Explanation: The connotative meaning of the word "hollow" in this passage is a feeling of emptiness or longing. It suggests that Gage is experiencing a sense of sadness or loss due to the absence of his best friend, Lola. The word "hollow" invokes a feeling of hollowness or emptiness, which helps to convey the depth of Gage's emotions.

Ah, the connotative word in the passage is "hollow." This word is used to describe Gage's feeling within his heart. Now, when we hear the word "hollow," we might imagine something empty or lacking substance. In this context, it suggests that Gage's heart feels empty, emotionally empty, specifically due to missing his friend Lola. So, it's like his heart is a sad little void just waiting for Lola's return to fill it up with joy and friendship.

The word chosen to convey a connotative meaning in this passage is "hollow."

The word "hollow" means empty or void. In this context, it signifies that Gage's heart is feeling empty or incomplete due to missing his best friend, Lola. The connotation of "hollow" suggests a deep sense of longing and sadness.

To determine which word in the passage was chosen to convey a connotative meaning, we need to look for words that evoke emotions or carry deeper associations beyond their literal definitions. In this case, the word "hollow" is likely the word chosen for its connotative meaning.

The word "hollow" typically means empty or lacking substance in a literal sense. However, in this context, it is used metaphorically to describe the feeling within Gage's heart. It conveys a sense of emptiness, sadness, and longing. The connotation of "hollow" suggests that Gage's heart feels void or aching due to missing his best friend.

To determine this, you can:

1. Read the passage and identify any words that seem to carry a deeper emotional meaning or suggest something beyond a literal definition.
2. Consider the word's context and how it contributes to the overall tone or theme of the passage.
3. Analyze the potential connotations of the word based on your understanding of its typical definition and its use within the passage.

In this case, "hollow" stands out as a word with a connotative meaning that adds emotional depth to the passage.