how did sir gawain & the green knight convey 2 senses of supernatural?

To understand how "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" conveys two senses of the supernatural, you would need to analyze specific elements and themes in the poem. Here's a breakdown of the two senses of the supernatural portrayed in the story and how they are conveyed:

1. Magical and Otherworldly Elements:
- One sense of the supernatural in the poem is represented by magical and otherworldly elements. This includes the supernatural abilities and characteristics of the Green Knight, such as his appearance and resilience.
- To explore this sense of the supernatural, you can examine the vivid descriptions of the Green Knight. Look for passages that emphasize his supernatural features, such as his green skin, towering stature, and his ability to survive beheading.
- Additionally, pay attention to the supernatural events that take place in the story, such as the Green Knight's challenge and his magical return exactly one year later to hold Gawain accountable.

2. Moral and Symbolic Dimensions:
- Another sense of the supernatural in the poem is expressed through moral and symbolic dimensions. This entails the challenges and tests faced by Sir Gawain, his moral dilemma, and the ultimate resolution of the story.
- To explore this sense of the supernatural, analyze the symbolic nature of the characters and objects. For example, Gawain's encounter with the Green Knight can be seen as a test of his virtue and integrity.
- Look for moral and ethical themes that arise in the story, such as Gawain's struggle between loyalty and self-preservation. Consider how these moral dilemmas are presented as supernatural tests.
- Additionally, pay attention to the symbolic objects in the story, such as the green girdle. This object represents Gawain's imperfections and serves as a supernatural reminder of his moral weaknesses.

By closely examining the descriptions, events, moral themes, and symbolic elements in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," you can gain a deeper understanding of how the poem conveys these two senses of the supernatural. Remember to refer to specific passages and evidence from the text to support your analysis.