How do Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and morte d'Arthur convey a sense of the supernatural

In those stories, "a sense of the supernatural" will show up in the form of magic or any other type of not-normal behavior or occurrence.

Arthurian Legends - Myth Encyclopedia - Major Elements ...
A few of the knights—especially Gawain, Galahad, and Lancelot—emerge as distinct ... Supernatural beings and events abound in the Arthurian legends. ... the Arthurian legends in a volume called Le Morte D'Arthur (The Death of Arthur)

To understand how "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "Morte d'Arthur" convey a sense of the supernatural, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the Texts: Read both "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "Morte d'Arthur" to familiarize yourself with the stories. Pay close attention to any instances where supernatural elements are mentioned or described.

2. Identify Supernatural Characters: Look for characters within the texts who possess supernatural traits or abilities. In "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," the Green Knight is a prime example of a supernatural character. In "Morte d'Arthur," characters like Merlin, the powerful sorcerer, and Morgan le Fay, the enchantress, exhibit supernatural qualities.

3. Note Magical Objects or Settings: Take note of any magical objects or enchanting settings in the texts. For instance, in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," the Green Chapel is described as a supernatural place of power. In "Morte d'Arthur," the legendary sword Excalibur and the mystical Lady of the Lake add to the supernatural atmosphere.

4. Observe Miraculous Events: Pay attention to specific events or occurrences that defy the natural laws of the world within the texts. Examples in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" include the Green Knight's head being severed but not dying and the appearance of the supernatural green girdle. In "Morte d'Arthur," the miraculous healing abilities of certain characters, such as the Holy Grail, demonstrate the supernatural elements.

5. Analyze Symbolism and Themes: Consider the symbolism and themes present in both texts and how they contribute to the supernatural ambiance. "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" explores themes of chivalry and the conflict between the Christian and pagan worlds, while "Morte d'Arthur" delves into themes of fate, destiny, and the struggle between good and evil.

By following these steps, you can better understand how "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "Morte d'Arthur" convey a sense of the supernatural. Remember to analyze the characters, settings, events, and themes presented in the texts to gain a comprehensive understanding of these elements.

Step 1: Introduction

Both "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "Morte d'Arthur" are famous medieval literary works that include elements of the supernatural. These elements are used to create an atmosphere of mystery, ambiguity, and wonder within the narratives.

Step 2: "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"
In "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," the supernatural is embodied in the Green Knight himself. The Green Knight is depicted as a mysterious and otherworldly figure who possesses superhuman physical attributes. He enters King Arthur's court on New Year's Day, challenging the knights to a beheading game. After being beheaded, the Green Knight picks up his own head and issues a challenge to Sir Gawain, creating a sense of awe and wonder.

Step 3: "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"
In addition to the Green Knight, the poem employs magical elements throughout. For example, the castle of Sir Bertilak, where Gawain stays during his quest, seemingly appears and disappears in the wilderness. Furthermore, the supernatural lady of the castle tempts Gawain through her attempts to seduce him. These elements serve to blur the boundaries between reality and fantasy, creating an eerie and otherworldly atmosphere.

Step 4: "Morte d'Arthur"
In "Morte d'Arthur," the supernatural is mainly conveyed through the presence of mystical objects and characters. For instance, the sword Excalibur, which Arthur receives from the Lady of the Lake, possesses supernatural powers and signifies his rightful royal status. Additionally, Merlin the wizard, who is depicted as having prophetic abilities and magical powers, plays a significant role in the story.

Step 5: "Morte d'Arthur"
The theme of magic and enchantment is further emphasized through the inclusion of various supernatural creatures, such as dragons, witches, and sorcerers. These elements contribute to the sense of wonder and supernatural intrigue, as well as create challenges for the knights on their quests.

Step 6: Conclusion
Both "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "Morte d'Arthur" employ various supernatural elements to evoke a sense of mystery, enchantment, and the uncanny. The presence of mystical characters, magical objects, and extraordinary events contributes to the overall atmosphere of the narratives, allowing readers to explore the realm of the supernatural within the medieval context.