from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Which of these statements, from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, does the Green Knight say to explain why he visits the court of King Arthur?
(1 point)
"I shall let him have as a present this lovely gisarme..."
"And so all I ask of this court is a
Christmas game..."
"... I come to you in peace, not eager for battle."
"My errand is hardly to sit at ease in your castle!"

"I shall let him have as a present this lovely gisarme..."

The statement the Green Knight says to explain why he visits the court of King Arthur is: "And so all I ask of this court is a Christmas game..."

To find the answer to this question, you need to refer to the text of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In the poem, the Green Knight explains his visit to the court of King Arthur in the following statement:

"And so all I ask of this court is a Christmas game..."

Therefore, the correct statement from the Green Knight to explain his visit is the one that requests a Christmas game.