
In three to five sentences explain how resource scarcity, competition, and the survival of organisms are connected.(4 points)

Resource scarcity occurs when there is a limited availability of essential resources like food, water, and shelter. This scarcity leads to competition among organisms as they strive to obtain enough resources to survive and reproduce. Organisms that are able to successfully compete for resources have a better chance of survival and passing on their genes to future generations. Ultimately, competition for scarce resources plays a crucial role in determining which organisms are able to survive and thrive in their environment.


Resource scarcity creates competition among organisms as they vie for essential resources necessary for survival. This competition is a driving force in natural selection, as organisms must compete for limited resources in order to survive and reproduce. Those that are best able to compete for and obtain resources are more likely to survive and pass on their genes to future generations. Therefore, resource scarcity, competition, and the survival of organisms are interconnected in shaping the evolutionary success of species.