In three to five sentences explain how resource scarcity, competition, and the survival of organisms are connected.(4 points)

Resource scarcity occurs when there are limited resources available in a particular environment. This leads to competition between organisms for those resources, such as food, water, and shelter. The organisms that are better adapted and able to secure these resources have a higher chance of survival and passing on their genes to the next generation. Therefore, the competition for scarce resources plays a critical role in the survival and evolution of organisms in a given ecosystem.

Resource scarcity, competition, and the survival of organisms are interconnected in several ways. Firstly, resource scarcity occurs when there is insufficient supply of resources to meet the demands of organisms. This scarcity leads to an increased competition among organisms for the available resources. The competition arises as organisms strive to acquire the limited resources necessary for their survival. Ultimately, the survival of organisms depends on their ability to outcompete others and secure the required resources in a context of resource scarcity.

Resource scarcity, competition, and the survival of organisms are interconnected in the following way: When resources become limited or scarce, organisms must compete with one another for access to those resources. This competition arises due to the need for organisms to secure the necessary resources for their survival, such as food, water, and shelter. Those organisms that are better adapted or more successful at obtaining and utilizing these scarce resources have a higher chance of survival, as they are able to meet their needs and thrive. Consequently, competition for resources acts as a driving force for natural selection, favoring those individuals with advantageous traits and behaviors that enhance their survival and reproduction.