
Use the sentence to answer the question.

"Dance is a great form of exercise for everyone."

In three to five sentences, write an opposing claim and suggest some ideas you might use to counter that opposing claim.

(4 points)

An opposing claim to the statement that dance is a great form of exercise for everyone could be that dance is not suitable for people with mobility issues or physical limitations. In order to counter this claim, one could suggest modifications to dance routines, such as including chair exercises or low-impact movements that can accommodate individuals with physical limitations. Additionally, highlighting the diverse styles of dance, such as ballet, hip hop, or ballroom, can show that there are options for people of all abilities and fitness levels. Emphasizing the mental and emotional benefits of dance, such as stress relief, creativity, and social interaction, could also address the notion that dance is limited to physical exercise only. Overall, presenting dance as a versatile and inclusive form of exercise can help counter the claim that it is not suitable for everyone.