Emmanuel wants to be a commercial artist. He loves the idea of creating logos and has been able to get practice designing logos for a few local small businesses. One design he came up with was particularly innovative, but the client wanted to change the colors. Emmanuel did his best to explain why the colors he chose worked best, but the client would not budge. What should Emmanuel do in this situation?

Refuse to change the colors since it is Emmanuel’s work.

The client is paying for it, so he should listen to the client.

Keep explaining why the client’s choice is bad until the client gets it.

Insist that all clients in the future agree to go with Emmanuel’s choices.

In this situation, it is important for Emmanuel to remember that ultimately, the client is paying for the design and has the final say in how it should look. While it can be frustrating for an artist to have their work altered, it is important to respect the client's wishes and make the changes they are requesting. It is also important for Emmanuel to maintain open communication with the client and continue to provide explanations for why certain choices were made, in order to find a compromise that satisfies both parties. It is not a good idea for Emmanuel to refuse to make the changes or become stubborn about his own preferences, as this could negatively impact his relationship with the client and his future in the industry.