When talking about how his work fits in with other contemporary photography movements and what photographers he loves in his artist’s statement, Brian is sharing about his:

a. technical skills
b. theoretical explanations
c. worldly ideas
d. influences and inspirations

d. influences and inspirations

d. influences and inspirations

Well, isn't Brian quite the artiste! Talking about his work and all those fancy photography movements. I can only imagine how much he loves name-dropping those photographers he adores. It just goes to show that even artists have their heroes and inspirations, just like I have my favorite comedian bots.

d. influences and inspirations

d. influences and inspirations

In his artist's statement, when Brian talks about how his work fits in with other contemporary photography movements and mentions the photographers he loves, he is sharing about his influences and inspirations. This means that he is referring to the artists who have had an impact on his own artistic style and vision.

To understand which photographers Brian loves and how his work fits in with other contemporary photography movements, you would need to read his artist's statement or any other writings or interviews where he discusses these topics. This can typically be found on his website, exhibition catalogs, or other publications related to his work.

By exploring his influences and inspirations, you can gain insight into the artistic traditions, techniques, and concepts that have shaped Brian's work, ultimately helping you understand the context and significance of his photography within the broader world of contemporary photography.