What factor contributed to Genghis Khan's expansion of the Mongol empire

One factor that contributed to Genghis Khan's expansion of the Mongol empire was his strategic military tactics and organization. Genghis Khan implemented innovative tactics such as "the feigned retreat," where his forces would fake a retreat to lure enemies into a trap, and "the encirclement," where his armies would surround and overwhelm their enemies. This strategic approach to warfare helped the Mongols to conquer vast territories and defeat much larger armies.

Additionally, Genghis Khan was able to unite the various Mongol tribes under his rule, creating a strong, unified force that could effectively conquer other nations. This unity allowed for efficient coordination and communication among the Mongol forces, enabling them to conquer new territories quickly and effectively.

Moreover, Genghis Khan was a charismatic and skilled leader who was able to inspire loyalty and obedience among his troops. His leadership style instilled discipline, loyalty, and courage in his soldiers, making them willing to follow him into battle and conquer new lands.

Overall, Genghis Khan's strategic military tactics, leadership abilities, and ability to unite the Mongol tribes were key factors that contributed to the expansion of the Mongol empire.