The table below shows the cost of downloading songs from a website.

Number of SongsNumber of Songs Total CostTotal Cost
1616 dollar sign, 7, point, 0, 4$7.04
1818 dollar sign, 7, point, 9, 2$7.92
2020 dollar sign, 8, point, 8, 0$8.80
At this rate, what is the cost per song?
At this rate, what is the cost per song

The cost per song can be calculated by dividing the total cost by the number of songs.

Cost per song = Total Cost / Number of Songs

For 16 songs:
Cost per song = $7.04 / 16 = $0.44

For 18 songs:
Cost per song = $7.92 / 18 = $0.44

For 20 songs:
Cost per song = $8.80 / 20 = $0.44

Therefore, the cost per song at this rate is $0.44.