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Lunch Cost
x, Number of Guests y, Cost
0 $4.00
2 $16.00
4 $28.00
6 $40.00
8 $64.00

The table shows the linear relationship between the number of guests a person brings to a lunch, and the total cost for her and her guests. Which description accurately matches the values in the table?
A The cost for the lunch is $4.00 plus $2.00 per additional guest.The cost for the lunch is $4.00 plus $2.00 per additional guest.
B The cost for the lunch is $4.00 plus $4.00 per additional guest.The cost for the lunch is $4.00 plus $4.00 per additional guest.
C The cost for the lunch is $4.00 plus $6.00 per additional guest.The cost for the lunch is $4.00 plus $6.00 per additional guest.
D The cost for the lunch is $4.00 plus $8.00 per additional guest.

The correct answer is D. The cost for the lunch is $4.00 plus $8.00 per additional guest.

There are 9 computers and 72 students. What is the unit rate of students to computers?

A 1computer8students1 computer 8 students
B 8students1computer8 students 1 computer
C 3computers24students3 computers 24 students
D 24students3computers

The unit rate of students to computers is A. 1 computer : 8 students.

Shawnda brought 64 fl oz of lemonade to the party. There are approximately 29.6 milliliters in 1 fluid ounce. Which measurement is closest to the number of milliliters of lemonade that Shawnda brought to the party?

A 1,856 mL1,856 mL
B 1,894.4 mL1,894.4 mL
C 29.4 mL29.4 mL
D 2,500 mL

To convert 64 fl oz to milliliters, we can multiply it by the conversion factor 29.6 mL/fl oz:

64 fl oz * 29.6 mL/fl oz ≈ 1894.4 mL

Therefore, the closest measurement to the number of milliliters of lemonade Shawnda brought to the party is B. 1,894.4 mL.

5 of 115 of 11 Items


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Which answer choice represents a person driving 6 miles each hour?

Miles Traveled

Time (hours) Miles Traveled Miles Image with alt text: Time (hours)
Miles Traveled per Number of Hours Driven

Number of Hours Traveled, h Number of Miles Driven, m
1 6
3 12
5 18
7 24 Miles Traveled per Number of Hours Driven Number of Hours Traveled, h Number of Miles Driven, m 1 6 3 12 5 18 7 24
C m = h + 6, where m represents the number of miles driven and h represents the number of hours traveled m = h + 6, where m represents the number of miles driven and h represents the number of hours traveled
D A person who travels for 6 hours will go 1 mile.

The correct answer is A. Miles Traveled: 6 miles.

6 of 116 of 11 Items


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A cheetah can run at a speed of 70 miles per hour. Which representation shows the distance a cheetah can travel at this rate?
A The cheetah travels 1 mile in 70 minutes.The cheetah travels 1 mile in 70 minutes.
B d = 70t, where d represents the number of miles traveled and t represents the number of hoursd = 70 t , where d represents the number of miles traveled and t represents the number of hours

Speed of a Cheetah

Time (hours) Speed of a Cheetah Miles Image with alt text: Time (hours)
Speed of a Cheetah

Time (hours), d Distances (miles), m
1 70
2 70
3 70
4 70

The correct answer is B. The representation d = 70t, where d represents the number of miles traveled and t represents the number of hours, shows the distance a cheetah can travel at a speed of 70 miles per hour.

Jamie started saving $15 per week. Which table represents y, the amount of money in dollars Jamie saved in x weeks.

Jamie's Savings

Number of Weeks, x Number of Dollars, y
1 15
2 30
3 45
4 60Jamie's Savings Number of Weeks, x Number of Dollars, y 1 15 2 30 3 45 4 60
Jamie's Savings

Number of Weeks, x Number of Dollars, y
1 55
2 45
3 30
4 55Jamie's Savings Number of Weeks, x Number of Dollars, y 1 55 2 45 3 30 4 55
Jamie's Savings

Number of Weeks, x Number of Dollars, y
1 15
2 15
3 15
4 15Jamie's Savings Number of Weeks, x Number of Dollars, y 1 15 2 15 3 15 4 15
Jamie's Savings

Number of Weeks, x Number of Dollars, y
15 1
30 2
45 3
60 4