What features are associated with the dynasties of the tang and song? In other words what was their government and society like?

The Tang and Song dynasties were two of the most powerful and prosperous dynasties in Chinese history. They are known for their advancements in government, economy, technology, and culture.

Some features associated with the Tang and Song dynasties include:

1. Centralized government: Both dynasties had strong centralized governments that were able to effectively rule over a vast territory and diverse population. They established a bureaucracy to manage affairs, establish laws, and oversee administration.

2. Civil service exams: The Tang and Song dynasties implemented a civil service exam system to recruit officials based on merit rather than birth. This system allowed for promotion based on knowledge and skill rather than social status.

3. Economic prosperity: Both dynasties experienced economic growth and prosperity, with flourishing trade along the Silk Road and other commercial routes. They also implemented reforms to improve agricultural production and increase tax revenue.

4. Cultural achievements: The Tang and Song dynasties were known for their advancements in literature, art, music, and philosophy. They also saw the development of printing, papermaking, porcelain production, and other technological innovations.

5. Confucian values: Confucianism was the dominant philosophy during the Tang and Song dynasties, influencing government policies, social norms, and cultural practices. The emphasis on hierarchy, filial piety, and education shaped society during this time.

Overall, the governments of the Tang and Song dynasties were characterized by centralized rule, efficient administration, and cultural flourishing. Their societies were structured around Confucian values, with an emphasis on meritocracy, education, and stability.