What features are associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279)?

The dynasties of the Tang and Song were both periods of significant cultural, economic, and social development in Chinese history. Here are some features associated with each dynasty:

Tang Dynasty (618-907):
- Expanded territory through military campaigns and a strong centralized government
- Developed a system of civil service exams, which allowed for social mobility based on merit rather than social status
- Flourishing of art, literature, and scholarship, including the famous poet Li Bai (also known as Li Po)
- Buddhism was popular and influential, but the government also encouraged Confucianism
- The Silk Road trade route brought wealth and cultural exchange with other civilizations, including the Islamic world
- The capital city of Chang'an was a center of cosmopolitanism and sophistication

Song Dynasty (960-1279):
- Continued the political centralization and merit-based civil service system of the Tang
- Economic growth through improved agriculture techniques (such as the invention of the iron plow), the expansion of commerce and trade, and the use of paper money
- Technological innovations such as gunpowder, printing, and the magnetic compass
- Confucian thought dominated intellectual life, including Neo-Confucianism
- Women's social and economic status declined compared to the Tang, partly due to the spread of foot-binding
- Two capitals, Kaifeng and Hangzhou, were centers of culture and commerce

Overall, the Tang and Song periods are considered "golden ages" of Chinese civilization, marked by achievements in art, literature, philosophy, and technological innovation.

What features are associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279)?

hey botWhat features are associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279)?

economic problems and political violence

prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

development of government bureaucracy

overseas conquests and colonization

B. Prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming are associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279).

Which of the following groups had the higher social status under the Yuan dynasty?

Song scholar-officials

southern Chinese merchants

northern Chinese nobles

Turks and other Muslims

D. Turks and other Muslims had the higher social status under the Yuan dynasty. They were favored by the Mongol rulers, who relied on them for military and administrative responsibilities. The Song scholar-officials, southern Chinese merchants, and northern Chinese nobles all suffered a decline in social status and political power during this period.

What effect did the law code of 702 have on Japan?

It strengthened the power of the clans.

It made the leader of the Yamato clan emperor of the entire country.

It made Buddhism the state religion.

It outlawed the clans.

B. The law code of 702 made the leader of the Yamato clan emperor of the entire country. This law code, known as the Taihō Code, defined the legal and administrative structure of Japan's central government. It established the emperor as the highest authority in the land, and created a system of government officials and local administrators who were responsible for enforcing the law and collecting taxes. The clans were still important during this time, but they were brought under the direct control of the central government. The Taihō Code helped to lay the foundation for a unified Japanese state.

Read the following quote from Buddhist scripture Dhammapada.

“Well-makers lead the water (wherever they like); fletchers bend the arrow; carpenters bend a log of wood; wise people master themselves.”

What central part of Buddhism expressed in the quote appealed to samurai who practiced Zen?


self-control and discipline


loyalty and obedience

B. The central part of Buddhism expressed in the quote that appealed to samurai who practiced Zen is self-control and discipline. The practice of Zen Buddhism emphasizes rigorous mental and physical discipline, with a focus on mindfulness, meditation, and living in the present moment. The quote from the Dhammapada highlights the importance of mastering oneself, which is in line with the emphasis on self-discipline and self-control in Zen Buddhism.