Explain with examples the automated table of contents

An automated table of contents is a feature that automatically generates a list of headings and subheadings in a document, typically located at the beginning of the document for easy navigation. This feature is commonly found in word processing software like Microsoft Word.

For example, if you have a document with various headings and subheadings, an automated table of contents will display them in a hierarchical format along with the page numbers where they can be found. This allows readers to quickly jump to a specific section of the document without having to manually search through the entire document.

Here is an example of what an automated table of contents might look like:

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Objective

2. Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical Framework
2.2 Previous Studies

3. Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Data Collection

In this example, the automated table of contents lists the main headings (Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology) and their corresponding subheadings (Background, Objective, Theoretical Framework, Previous Studies, Research Design, Data Collection) along with the page numbers they are located on. This makes it easy for readers to navigate through the document and find the information they are looking for.