What can you include in your portfolio in order to help viewers know where to look for and find specific items?

a- hashtags
b- glossary
c- table of contents
d- index

c- table of contents

c- table of contents

The correct option to include in your portfolio in order to help viewers know where to look for and find specific items is a table of contents (option c).

A table of contents is a list of the sections or components of your portfolio, along with their respective page numbers. It serves as a navigational guide to help viewers quickly and easily find specific items within your portfolio.

To create a table of contents for your portfolio, follow these steps:

1. Organize your portfolio: Divide your portfolio into sections or categories based on the type of items or work you are including. For example, if your portfolio showcases graphic design projects, you may have sections for logo designs, brochures, website designs, etc.

2. Assign headings and subheadings: Assign clear and descriptive headings to each section in your portfolio. Subheadings can be used to further categorize or group items within each section if necessary.

3. Number your pages: Ensure that each page in your portfolio is numbered consecutively. This will make it easier for viewers to locate specific items mentioned in the table of contents.

4. Create the table of contents: Start a new page in your portfolio, preferably at the beginning. List each section heading, along with its corresponding page number. Use a consistent formatting style, such as a clear and legible font, and make sure the table of contents is well-organized and easy to read.

5. Update as needed: If you make changes or add new items to your portfolio, make sure to update your table of contents accordingly.

By including a table of contents in your portfolio, viewers will have a clear roadmap to quickly find and navigate to specific items of interest, allowing them to locate the desired information without difficulty.