List the following event in chronological order

Balfour declaration
Creation of the Arab league
Egyptian – Israel, peace treaty
Israel becomes an Office state
League of Nations mandates to partition the Middle East
Oslo Accords
Six day war
World War II/holocaust
ZIONIST movement
Yom kippur war
Sues canal crisis

1. World War II/holocaust

2. League of Nations mandates to partition the Middle East
3. Zionist movement
4. Balfour Declaration
5. Creation of the Arab League
6. Suez Canal Crisis
7. Six Day War
8. Yom Kippur War
9. Israel becomes an official state
10. Egyptian-Israel peace treaty
11. Oslo Accords

Oder oldest to newest

1. Zionist movement

2. Balfour Declaration
3. League of Nations mandates to partition the Middle East
4. World War II/holocaust
5. Creation of the Arab League
6. Israel becomes an official state
7. Suez Canal Crisis
8. Six Day War
9. Yom Kippur War
10. Egyptian-Israel peace treaty
11. Oslo Accords