How can the reader's point of view create suspense and humor? (1 point)

A reader might have prior knowledge about certain historical contexts.

A reader might know things that the characters do not.

A reader might know the ending of the story.

A reader might have a preference for one particular character.

A reader's point of view can create suspense by knowing things that the characters do not, such as impending danger or a plot twist. This creates tension as the reader anticipates how the characters will react or what will happen next.

In terms of humor, a reader's point of view can create comedic irony by understanding jokes or situations that the characters may not realize. For example, if a character is oblivious to a humorous misunderstanding, the reader can find it amusing due to their outside perspective. Additionally, a reader's preference for a particular character can also add humor, as their reactions and interactions can be more entertaining to the reader.