
In three to five sentences, compare the process of digesting food in an amoeba (unicellular) to those in a mouse (multicellular) .(4 points)

In an amoeba, the process of digesting food occurs within a food vacuole inside the cell. The amoeba engulfs its food through phagocytosis, forming a food vacuole which contains enzymes that break down the food particles. The nutrients are then absorbed into the cytoplasm of the cell.

In a mouse, the process of digesting food begins in the mouth with the mechanical breakdown of food through chewing and the chemical breakdown through enzymes present in saliva. The food then moves through the esophagus to the stomach where it is further broken down by stomach acid and enzymes. Nutrients are absorbed through the walls of the small intestines and distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream.

Overall, both amoebas and mice break down food through enzymatic processes, however, the structure and complexity of the digestive system differ between the two organisms due to their unicellular and multicellular nature. Additionally, the specialization of organs in mice allows for more efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients compared to the single cell structure of an amoeba.