In three to five sentences, compare the process of digesting food in an amoeba (unicellular) to those in a mouse (multicellular)

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The process of digesting food in an amoeba is intracellular, as it involves the food particles being engulfed by the amoeba's pseudopods and enclosed in a food vacuole. The food is then broken down by enzymes present within the vacuole, and the nutrients are absorbed directly into the cytoplasm. In contrast, in a mouse, the process of digestion is extracellular, starting with the mechanical breakdown of food in the mouth through chewing, followed by chemical breakdown through enzymes secreted in the digestive system. The nutrients are then absorbed in the small intestine through specialized cells and transported to various tissues and organs for utilization.

Can you give me a simpler answer?

Certainly! In an amoeba, the food is taken in by engulfing it and then broken down inside the cell. In a mouse, the food is broken down outside of the cells through chewing and the use of enzymes. The nutrients are then absorbed and transported to the rest of the body for use.

Thanks .u.

I’m pretty sure I got a 12/12 but my teacher has to grade 3 of the writing prompts..

In an amoeba, the process of digestion occurs intracellularly within the cytoplasm. The amoeba consumes food particles by engulfing them in a process called phagocytosis. Once inside the food vacuole, enzymes are released to break down the food into smaller molecules, which are then absorbed and utilized by the amoeba for energy.

In a mouse, digestion occurs extracellularly in specialized compartments within the digestive system. The mouse consumes food orally, and it is broken down mechanically by chewing and chemically by enzymes in the mouth. The food then travels through the esophagus into the stomach, where it is further broken down and mixed with digestive enzymes. The nutrients are then absorbed through the small intestine into the bloodstream and transported to cells throughout the body for energy and other functions.

The process of digesting food in an amoeba is simpler compared to a mouse. Amoebas have a single-celled structure, so they can engulf food particles through phagocytosis, forming a food vacuole. Digestive enzymes are then secreted into the vacuole to break down the food into nutrients that can be absorbed directly into the cytoplasm. In contrast, mice have a more complex digestive system, which includes specialized organs like the stomach, intestines, and liver. Food is first broken down mechanically in the mouth, then chemically in the stomach and intestine through the action of digestive enzymes, before being absorbed into the bloodstream for distribution to cells throughout the body.