Evaluate: 7 + (-9) + (-5) + 6

A) 17
B) -1
C) 9

Okay.. I am having a brain fart! Do you do the math in the parenthesis first? If so, the answer would be A> 17? Please help!!

solve for x, 4 1/2 + x = 6 1/6

Greg, what is that?? That has nothing to do with the problem I am trying to solve. Someone please help!

To evaluate the expression 7 + (-9) + (-5) + 6, you can follow the order of operations. The first step is to simplify any parentheses.

In this expression, there are no parentheses to simplify. So we move on to the next step, which is to perform addition and subtraction from left to right.

7 + (-9) = -2
-2 + (-5) = -7
-7 + 6 = -1

Therefore, the correct answer is B) -1.

To clarify, when you see a negative sign in front of a number (such as -9 or -5), it indicates the subtraction of that number. So, in this case, we add the positive number 7 to the negative number -9.

Remember, when there are multiple negative signs in an expression, you can simplify them by considering two negatives to equal a positive. For example, -2 + (-5) can be thought of as (-2) + (-5) = -7.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to evaluate the given expression. Let me know if you have any other questions!