Please conclude the following research:

According to the linguistic diagram, the languages ​​are arranged respectively. But what is noticeable is that there is languages ​​that are far from each other. This is due to reasons many, some of them discussed at work of researchers such as Johnson (1968); Drummond (1980) and Willemyns and Bister (1989).

• Discuss the arrow diagram of languages ​​(general) by review

Through the linguistic diagram, it can be observed that languages are organized in a specific order, but there are certain languages that are more distant from each other in terms of linguistic characteristics. This distance can be attributed to a variety of reasons, some of which have been explored by researchers such as Johnson (1968), Drummond (1980), and Willemyns and Bister (1989). These reasons may include historical factors, geographical isolation, cultural influences, and differing language families.

Overall, the linguistic diagram provides a visual representation of the relationships between languages, highlighting the diversity and complexity of language evolution. Further research and analysis of the arrow diagram of languages can continue to shed light on the ways in which languages have evolved over time and the factors that have influenced their development.