Home Pregnancy Tests

More than 40 years ago, the immunologic detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for
diagnosis of pregnancy replaced the bioassay . The sequence of immunologic milestones since
then has taken early pregnancy detection out of the clinical laboratory and into the home. The
discovery of pregnancy is often in the week following the first missed menstrual period (the 4th
completed week since last menstrual period, or 4 weeks 0 days through 4 weeks 6 days), as
determined by a urine home pregnancy test. The most sensitive test of pregnancy is best
performed by a laboratory using a blood sample. These tests not only detect hCG but also can
indicate the amount (quantitative tests) of the hormone, which doubles every 2-3 days during the
first several weeks of pregnancy. These more sensitive tests can tell how long since conception
and even detect possible problems with the pregnancy. A healthcare provider can perform this
test. Initially, many women prefer the privacy, convenience, and quick results from home test
kits. Home pregnancy tests are not as accurate as blood tests done by a healthcare provider. They
also cannot determine if the pregnancy is developing as expected.
9. In the early stages of pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is released by the
A. placenta. B. corpus luteum. C. anterior pituitary gland. D. trophoblast.

A. placenta.