Companies A, B, C, and D have joint intellectual property ownership with each other. Companies A and B recreate and distribute products without consulting C and D. What impact has joint intellectual property ownership on C and D in relation to A and B’s action?(1 point)


Company A has more legal right to recreate and distribute the products.
Company A has more legal right to recreate and distribute the products.

Company C has more legal rights than company D.
Company C has more legal rights than company D.

Companies have equal rights under a joint intellectual property.
Companies have equal rights under a joint intellectual property.

Company B has more legal rights than the rest of the companies.

Company A and B do not have the legal right to recreate and distribute the products without consulting C and D, as they all have joint intellectual property ownership. All companies involved have equal rights under the joint intellectual property, and therefore A and B's actions would impact C and D negatively as they are not being consulted or included in the decision-making process.