Identify the technological and economic innovations that

facilitated the Commercial Revolution. (1 point)
navigational technology, joint-stock companies, banks,
and exploitation
mercantilism, joint-stock companies, banks, and insurance
navigational technology, joint-stock companies, banks,
and loans
navigational technology, joint-stock companies, banks,
and insurance companies

navigational technology, joint-stock companies, banks, and insurance companies

The correct answer is navigational technology, joint-stock companies, banks, and insurance companies.

To identify the technological and economic innovations that facilitated the Commercial Revolution, we can evaluate each option:

Option 1: Navigational technology, joint-stock companies, banks, and exploitation.
- Navigational technology: This innovation refers to advancements in navigation techniques and instruments, such as improved maps, compasses, and astrolabes. These advancements allowed merchants to navigate more accurately and explore new trade routes.
- Joint-stock companies: These were business organizations where shares of stock were sold to investors, pooling capital for large-scale ventures and reducing individual risk.
- Banks: Financial institutions played a crucial role in the Commercial Revolution, providing capital, facilitating international trade, and supporting economic growth.
- Exploitation: While exploitation can be seen as a practice during the Commercial Revolution, it is not considered a technological or economic innovation.

Option 2: Mercantilism, joint-stock companies, banks, and insurance companies.
- Mercantilism: An economic theory and policy that focused on accumulating wealth through trade, including the acquisition of colonies and the establishment of favorable trade balances.
- Joint-stock companies: As mentioned earlier, this form of business organization allowed for the pooling of investment capital, which was crucial for funding large-scale trade ventures.
- Banks: Financial institutions played a significant role in facilitating trade and providing necessary credit and financial services.
- Insurance companies: These companies provided risk mitigation for merchants by offering insurance policies on goods and ships.

Option 3: Navigational technology, joint-stock companies, banks, and loans.
- Navigational technology: The advancements in navigation techniques mentioned earlier played a pivotal role in opening up new trade routes, increasing exploration, and expanding commerce.
- Joint-stock companies: This form of business organization allowed investors to pool their capital together, reducing individual risks associated with trade ventures.
- Banks: Financial institutions provided essential services such as offering loans to merchants, facilitating trade, and enabling economic growth.
- Loans: Loans provided by banks and other lenders helped merchants and entrepreneurs finance their business operations and investments.

Option 4: Navigational technology, joint-stock companies, banks, and insurance companies.
- Navigational technology: As explained earlier, the advancements in navigation tools supported increased exploration, improved trade routes, and expanded commerce.
- Joint-stock companies: This form of business organization allowed investors to contribute capital, reducing individual risks and enabling large-scale trade ventures.
- Banks: Financial institutions provided capital, facilitated international trade, and supported economic growth.
- Insurance companies: These companies offered insurance policies to mitigate risks associated with trade, protecting merchants from losses due to accidents, piracy, or natural disasters.

Based on the analysis, the option that accurately identifies the technological and economic innovations that facilitated the Commercial Revolution is: navigational technology, joint-stock companies, banks, and insurance companies.

How did the Commercial Revolution and its aspects facilitate human cruelty?