Identify the role of the Crusades in the Commercial Revolution.(1 point)


The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to many Europeans moving to commercial centers in the eastern Mediterranean.
The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to many Europeans moving to commercial centers in the eastern Mediterranean.

The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to increased desire for more knowledge and goods.
The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to increased desire for more knowledge and goods.

The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which inspired them to begin making these goods themselves and trading them.
The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which inspired them to begin making these goods themselves and trading them.

The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to an increase in maritime voyages right after the Crusades.

The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to many Europeans moving to commercial centers in the eastern Mediterranean.

The role of the Crusades in the Commercial Revolution is that they exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen before. This exposure sparked an increased desire for more knowledge and goods among Europeans. Additionally, it inspired Europeans to begin making these goods themselves and trading them. The Crusades also led to many Europeans moving to commercial centers in the eastern Mediterranean.

To identify the role of the Crusades in the Commercial Revolution, we need to understand the historical context and the effects of the Crusades on European society.

The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought between Christians and Muslims during the Middle Ages. They took place between the 11th and 13th centuries and had a significant impact on various aspects of European civilization.

During the Crusades, Europeans came into contact with new knowledge and goods from the Eastern Mediterranean and the Byzantine Empire. These included spices, silk, precious metals, and other luxury items. Europeans had never seen these goods before, and their exposure to them created a desire for more exotic and valuable items.

As a result, many Europeans moved to commercial centers in the eastern Mediterranean to engage in trade with the region. This led to the establishment of commercial networks and the growth of urban centers in Europe. These commercial centers became hubs of economic activity, fostering the exchange of goods, ideas, and knowledge.

The exposure to new knowledge and goods also inspired Europeans to begin producing these goods themselves. They started manufacturing textiles, spices, and other products that were highly sought after. This led to the growth of industries and trade within Europe itself.

Additionally, the Crusades stimulated an increase in maritime voyages. Europeans embarked on voyages to the East to establish direct trade routes and bypass intermediaries, such as the Venetians and Arabs, who controlled the trade between Europe and the East. This maritime expansion resulted in the discovery of new trade routes, the colonization of new territories, and the growth of European trade networks.

In summary, the Crusades played a crucial role in the Commercial Revolution by exposing Europeans to new knowledge and goods, fostering the desire for more trade and exotic items, stimulating the growth of industries and trade within Europe, and encouraging maritime voyages that expanded European trade networks.