1.1 Define Stress(1×2)(

1.2 State the difference between eustress and distress (2×1)(2)
1.3 Investigate the common stressor that affect grade 12 learners .(3×2)(6)
1.4 Research ways to deal with exam stress(5×2)(10)
1.5 Examine how one's personality affects his or her stress levels(2×4)(8)

1.1 Stress is a physical or psychological response to pressure or a situation that requires adjustment or change.

1.2 Eustress is a positive form of stress that can motivate and energize a person, while distress is a negative form of stress that can be overwhelming and harmful.

1.3 Common stressors that affect grade 12 learners may include academic pressure, peer relationships, family expectations, future uncertainty, and social media.

1.4 Ways to deal with exam stress include practicing good time management, getting enough rest and exercise, eating healthily, staying organized, seeking help from teachers or counselors, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, and breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable parts.

1.5 One's personality can affect their stress levels in various ways. For example, individuals with Type A personalities may experience higher levels of stress due to their competitive and ambitious nature, while individuals with Type B personalities may be more laid-back and less prone to stress. Introverts may prefer quiet study environments, while extroverts may benefit from studying in a group setting. Additionally, individuals with high levels of resilience may be better able to cope with stress compared to those with lower resilience levels.