Read the excerpt from John F. Kennedy’s inauguration speech in January 1961. Then answer the question. In a paragraph of 3–5 sentences, describe what John F. Kennedy believed was an important responsibility for all Americans. How were his policy goals different from those of his predecessors? Include specific examples or quotes from the speech.

In his inauguration speech, John F. Kennedy emphasized the importance of public service and civic duty. He believed that all Americans had a responsibility to contribute to the betterment of the nation and the world. He famously stated, "Ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country." This message underscored his call for unity and shared sacrifice in advancing the goals of democracy and peace. Unlike his predecessors, Kennedy focused on inspiring and mobilizing the American people to work towards common goals, rather than solely relying on government action or military might. He sought to harness the power and potential of individual citizens to bring about positive change in society.