Conduct the necessary research, then write a report that will detail the role of Systems analysis and Systems Design in the development of the Airport Customer Relations Management System.

The report will be presented to the management of the airport in a bid to secure the contract to develop the system and, as such, needs to be structured as follows:
1. Report title (1 Mark).
2. A brief explanation of what Systems Analysis and Design is. Relate your description to the Airport Customer Relations Management System (6 Marks).
3. The importance of conducting Systems Analysis and Design properly for the Airport Customer Relations Management System (10 Marks).
4. The activities that will be conducted as part of Systems Analysis in relation to the development of the Airport Customer Relations Management System
(10 Marks).
5. The activities that will be conducted as part of Systems Design in relation to the development of the Airport Customer Relations Management System
(10 Marks).
6. Motivation for the use of an iterative approach to the development of the Airport Customer Relations Management System (10 Marks).
7. A conclusion that will not only bring together the contents of the report but will also motivate why you should be selected to develop the new system for the airport (13 Marks).write a lengthy research report

Title: The Role of Systems Analysis and Systems Design in the Development of the Airport Customer Relations Management System

1. Introduction:
Systems Analysis and Design is a crucial process in the development of any system, including the Airport Customer Relations Management System. This process involves studying existing systems, identifying areas for improvement, and designing new systems to meet the requirements of the stakeholders. In the case of the Airport Customer Relations Management System, this process will involve analyzing the current customer relations practices at the airport and designing a new system to enhance customer satisfaction and streamline communication with passengers.

2. What is Systems Analysis and Design?
Systems Analysis and Design is a methodical approach to solving complex problems by analyzing existing systems, identifying areas for improvement, and designing new systems to meet the needs of the stakeholders. In the context of the Airport Customer Relations Management System, Systems Analysis and Design will involve analyzing the current customer relations practices at the airport, identifying areas for improvement, and designing a new system that will enhance customer satisfaction, improve communication with passengers, and increase overall efficiency.

3. Importance of Systems Analysis and Design for the Airport Customer Relations Management System:
Proper Systems Analysis and Design are essential for the successful development of the Airport Customer Relations Management System. This process will help in understanding the current customer relations practices at the airport, identifying areas for improvement, and designing a new system that will meet the needs of the passengers, airport staff, and other stakeholders. By conducting thorough Systems Analysis and Design, the airport can ensure that the new system will be user-friendly, efficient, and effective in improving customer satisfaction and enhancing communication with passengers.

4. Activities in Systems Analysis for the Airport Customer Relations Management System:
- Conducting interviews with airport staff and passengers to understand their needs and expectations
- Analyzing the current customer relations practices at the airport
- Identifying areas for improvement in customer service and communication
- Defining the requirements for the new system based on the findings from the analysis

5. Activities in Systems Design for the Airport Customer Relations Management System:
- Designing the user interface for the new system to ensure it is user-friendly and intuitive
- Developing the database structure to store customer information and feedback
- Integrating communication channels such as email, phone, and social media into the system
- Testing the system to ensure it meets the requirements and functions correctly

6. Motivation for an iterative approach to the development of the Airport Customer Relations Management System:
An iterative approach to the development of the Airport Customer Relations Management System is essential to ensure that the system meets the changing needs of the airport and its passengers. By taking an iterative approach, the development team can gather feedback from users, make necessary adjustments to the system, and continuously improve its functionality. This approach will help in delivering a system that is tailored to the specific needs of the airport and its customers, leading to higher levels of satisfaction and efficiency.

7. Conclusion:
In conclusion, Systems Analysis and Design play a crucial role in the development of the Airport Customer Relations Management System. By conducting thorough analysis and design activities, the airport can ensure that the new system meets the needs of its passengers, staff, and other stakeholders. An iterative approach to development will help in continually improving the system and ensuring it remains effective in enhancing customer satisfaction and communication. As a developer with expertise in Systems Analysis and Design, I am confident in my ability to deliver a high-quality system that will meet the requirements of the airport and its customers. I believe that my experience and skills make me the ideal candidate to develop the new system for the airport.