a job analysis report transforms the analysis into three components an analysis a summary and-

a questionnaire
technical competencies

I believe you're asking about a job analysis report and its components. A job analysis report is a document that outlines the tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications required for a particular job. It helps to identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform the job effectively.

When creating a job analysis report, it usually consists of three main components:

1. Analysis: This section provides a detailed breakdown of the job, including the tasks, duties, and responsibilities involved. It defines the essential functions and competencies required for successful job performance. The analysis may involve interviews with employees, observation of job activities, and reviewing relevant documents or procedures.

2. Summary and Recommendations: This section summarizes the findings of the analysis and highlights key points. It provides an overview of the job requirements, qualifications, and any noteworthy observations. Additionally, it may offer recommendations for improving job performance, enhancing employee training, or updating job descriptions.

3. Questionnaire: A questionnaire may be included as a tool to gather information from job incumbents or subject matter experts. This structured set of questions helps identify job-specific tasks, skills, and required qualifications. The responses gathered from the questionnaire can then be analyzed to further understand the job's components.

In addition to these three components, there are two other elements you mentioned:

- Goals: It can be beneficial to include the goals of the job within the analysis report. This helps align the position's purpose with the organization's broader objectives. Goals can be specific targets or outcomes the job is expected to achieve, and they contribute to the overall strategic goals of the organization.

- Technical Competencies: Technical competencies refer to the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform specific tasks or activities in a job. They are typically related to specialized areas of expertise or specific tools or technologies used in the role. Including an assessment of technical competencies in the job analysis report helps ensure that the individual hired for the position possesses the necessary skills for success.

Remember, the specific components of a job analysis report can vary depending on the organization and the job being analyzed. It is always important to tailor the report to meet the specific needs and requirements of the job at hand.

The job analysis report typically transforms the analysis into three components: an analysis summary, recommendations, and a questionnaire. Additionally, it may include the identification of goals and technical competencies. These components are described below:

1. Analysis Summary: The analysis summary provides a concise overview of the findings from the job analysis. It includes a summary of the tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. This section helps readers quickly understand the key aspects of the job.

2. Recommendations: The recommendations section outlines suggestions for improving or optimizing the job based on the analysis. It may include recommendations for modifying job tasks, revising job descriptions, redefining qualifications, or implementing training programs. These recommendations aim to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the job role.

3. Questionnaire: A questionnaire is often included in the job analysis report. It contains a set of structured questions designed to gather relevant information about the job from various stakeholders, such as current job holders, supervisors, or subject matter experts. This questionnaire helps to collect additional data and insights to validate or supplement the analysis findings.

In addition to these three components, job analysis reports may also include the identification of goals and technical competencies. The goals section specifies the desired outcomes or objectives for the job, while the technical competencies section outlines the required knowledge, skills, and abilities that candidates or incumbents must possess to perform the job effectively. These sections provide clarity on the expectations and requirements for the job role.

Job analysis is a process of gathering information about a job's tasks, responsibilities, and requirements, with the aim of developing a comprehensive understanding of the job. A job analysis report is a formal document that presents the findings of the job analysis process. Typically, a job analysis report consists of three main components: an analysis, a summary, and recommendations.

1. Analysis: This section of the report provides a detailed analysis of all the information collected during the job analysis process. It includes descriptions of the job's tasks, duties, responsibilities, and required skills and qualifications. The analysis may also cover the job's physical demands, environmental factors, and any potential hazards or risks associated with the job.

2. Summary: The summary section provides a concise and condensed overview of the key findings from the analysis. It highlights the most important aspects of the job and presents a clear picture of its requirements. The summary should capture the essential elements of the job analysis while being easy to understand for various stakeholders, such as managers, human resources professionals, and job applicants.

3. Recommendations: Based on the analysis and summary, the job analysis report should provide recommendations for improving the job or related processes. These recommendations can include suggestions for revising job descriptions, updating training programs, modifying work procedures, or realigning job roles within the organization. Recommendations aim to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the job, contributing to overall organizational success.

In addition to the three main components, a job analysis report may also include:

- Questionnaire: A questionnaire can be used as a tool to collect data during the job analysis process. It consists of a series of predetermined questions that can be administered to job incumbents, supervisors, or other relevant stakeholders. The questionnaire helps gather structured and standardized information, making the analysis more objective and consistent.

- Goals: The job analysis report may include a section dedicated to outlining the goals and objectives of conducting the job analysis. This section clarifies the purpose of the analysis, such as aligning job requirements with organizational objectives, identifying skills gaps, or supporting performance management initiatives.

- Technical Competencies: Technical competencies refer to the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a job successfully. The job analysis report may detail the technical competencies required for the analyzed job, providing a comprehensive list or framework that can be used for recruitment, selection, training, and performance evaluation.

Overall, a well-prepared job analysis report serves as a valuable resource for various HR functions, including recruitment, training, performance management, and job design. It helps ensure that the organization has a clear understanding of a job's requirements, facilitating effective decision-making and fostering employee success.