which party system is most often associated with authoritarian nations?

two party systems
one party systems
coalition party systems
multi party systems

one party systems

is the answer actually multi party systems or one party systems

The answer is one party systems. These are most often associated with authoritarian nations, as they restrict political competition and typically have a single political party that holds all or most of the power in governing the country.

which is a true statement about political parties?

the democratic party was considered the dominant partybetween 1860 and 1932

it is illegal for one party to be in control of both houses of congress

George Washington created the first political party

the U.S. . constitution does not mention political parties

the U.S. constitution does not mention political parties

is the answer the u.s. constitution does not mention political parties or the Democratic Party was considered the dominant party between 1860 and 1932

The answer is the U.S. Constitution does not mention political parties.