Use the formula for the volume of a rectangular pyramid to find the volume of a pyramid-shaped tent whose height is 75 inches, width is 111 inches, and length is 111 inches when standing.

A. 400, 000 cubed inches
B. 33, 034.03 cubed inches
C. 308, 025 cubed inches
D. 924, 075 cubed inches

To find the volume of a rectangular pyramid, you use the formula V = (1/3) * l * w * h, where l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height.

Plugging in the values given:
V = (1/3) * 111 * 111 * 75
V = (1/3) * 11,550 * 75
V = 38,500 * 75
V = 2,887,500 cubic inches

Therefore, the volume of the pyramid-shaped tent is 2,887,500 cubic inches. None of the answer choices match this calculated value, so we need to check our calculation again. Let's recalculate:

V = (1/3) * 111 * 111 * 75
V = (1/3) * 1,332,195
V = 444,065 cubic inches

The closest answer choice to the recalculated volume is 400,000 cubed inches, so the correct answer is:

A. 400, 000 cubed inches